New Opportunities to Serve Seniors with TACY Foundation

Playing music for seniorsThis year, the Tacy Foundation is making it a "supper senior summer"  where teens share the joy of music with elderly residents of Montgomery County’s Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC). 

The Tacy Foundation is looking for young people to give free concerts and music lessons for seniors at the HOC. The lessons will be given through the new Piano Pals™ for seniors program, using the Faber Adult Beginner series. 

Students who want to sign up for these experiences at a facility near them—whether to play music or teach can go to the Piano Pals™ page to get applications forms and paperwork for student service learning credits. Please send your applications to

Many Tacy volunteers have had great experiences helping younger students through Piano Pals™ for elementary schools. You can read about one volunteer’s experience here. For students nervous about teaching others this story should be a real confidence builder –whether your future student will be eight or 80.

The program to perform music for HOC seniors is popular. However, the foundation is still looking for volunteers for Elizabeth House and Holly Hall.

Big thanks to Jenny Yu, chief intern for Waverly Place, for organizing the first concert at Waverly Place on June 20 at 3 pm with much success. Also, thanks to Jenny Fei and Nalani Bui, the interns who are organizing music events at Town Center this summer. The first program was on Wednesday, June 29, at 3:30 pm and had a great turn out. This article's picture is from that event and features Jenny Fei, Bojun Li, Jasmine Wang and Ryan Utz. In addition, we appreciate Nishar Pillai who is organizing a concert for Bauer Park in Rockville on July 20 at 7 pm. 

The Tacy Foundation also thanks Richard Pedersen for managing both of these important programs.

Tacy Foundation offers Piano Pals and Live Music at these HOC facilities:

Waverly Place in Bethesda, (Jennie Yu, chief intern)

Bauer Park in Rockville, (Nishar Pillai, intern)

Holly Hall in Silver Spring, (Linda Qin, intern)

Elizabeth House in Silver Spring, (We need you!)

Town Center in Rockville, (Chief Interns Nalani and Bui Fei, Cameron Amini, intern)

Forest Oak in Gaithersburg (Chief Intern Zoe Bell)

Arcola Towers in Silver Spring (Ileana Cristo, chief intern)






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