Ms. Holliday’s Acceptance Speech
Good evening, County Executive Marc Elrich, Events Coordinator Shelley Block, Montgomery County Volunteer Staff and Montgomery County residents:
Receiving the Neal Potter Path of Achievement Award is certainly the apex of my years as a volunteer in Montgomery County!
My dream to create a safe and powerful community service experience for children and teens through music and the arts has come true through The Tacy Foundation.
As a child, I experienced the restorative, healing properties of music. So convinced was I that this discovery could be shared by all children, I dreamed THAT ONE DAY I WOULD BE ABLE to pay forward the lessons brought to me through music’s presence in my life. My music teachers gave me a priceless gift that I now share with children of all ages. The Foundation offers golden opportunities to all youth…connections with senior facilities, hospitals, and Title 1 schools. They participate in live music, cards projects for the sick, mentoring underprivileged children, and then they dream their own dream and learn how to FOLLOW A PATHWAY OF SERVICE WHEREVER THEY GO. As they grow up, they develop leadership skills and vision to create their own philanthropies as adults. To know that the seeds of “inspiring hope” through music, art, and story are planted firmly in our youth for two generations now brings such emotion and inspiration in me.
I accept this award for all of the children, teens, parents, grandparents, teachers, volunteers in Montgomery County, Tacy Foundation Volunteer Staff, and the Tacy Family. These are the heroes who have reached deep down inside to find hope during COVID and then have reached up and out to share their gifts of music, art, and story with others whom they may or may not meet but who will most certainly be blessed by their love. These youth have become and will continue to be AMBASSADORS OF HOPE as they create and follow paths of service, and send out their vibrant sounds to heal, to restore, to imagine a better world, and to create endless possibilities for all people. Thank you!
Charlotte Tacy Holliday