A special Message from Eric Lin on His New Tacy CD

Dear Friend,

Thank you so much for choosing to listen to this CD. As a high school senior living near Washington D.C., I have become increasingly aware of the many tragic and deeply scarring events from these past few years. Such tragedies have sparked widely publicized protests, most recently with the March of Our Lives in response to the Parkland shooting. In fact, I witnessed these demonstrations first-hand and spoke personally with Senator Tim Kaine on Capitol Hill.

I have been sincerely moved by all these public and energetic demonstrations. However, alongside these outspoken protests, I also believe we should find time for peace and solemn reflection.

This CD is my small personal contribution. As we heal together as a nation, I hope music can be something everyone can find solace in. After all, music transcends our differences – differences in race, age, gender, political view, and culture. I hope you enjoy.

From the bottom of my heart to yours,

Eric Lin and The Tacy Foundation

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